Coronavirus Disinfection approach

Our approach

It is necessary to clarify several important concepts involved in the service we provide.

Germ: Is a microorganism only visible through a microscope. Germs have a very basic biological structure and their effect on living beings is to transmit diseases. That is why they are also known as “pathogenic organisms”. Bacteria, viruses (Like COVID-19), fungus and parasites fall under this concept. Germs live and develop themselves on dirt and impurities.

Cleaning. Refers to the removal of dirt and impurities from surfaces, it means, the mechanical elimination of germs. This process does not kill them at all, just decreases their number over a given surface reducing their risk of spreading infections. So, the probability to be in contact with harmful microorganisms and get sick is lower after cleaning. However, the remaining germs still cause infections and diseases and the instruments and materials used in cleaning may transport these agents, becoming a vehicle of cross contamination by themselves.

Sanitisation: If we look to reduce germs to a safe level, usually appeal to a process that kills some of them, bacteria and parasites, but not viruses and fungus, that remain around as a hazard to human health. This is what we achieve when using the popular “antibacterial” gels and soaps and is defined as “sanitization”, especially useful in kitchens and food handling spaces where bacterias can cause a lot of damage. 

Disinfection. This is the most complete process and refers to the use of chemicals, such as registered disinfectants and technically proven in laboratories, that kill and destroy (depending on the type) germs. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing and destroying them lead to a significant reduction in the risk of spreading infections, and increase the probability of staying safe from the diseases they can produce. This is why, if a germs free environment is wanted, cleaning and even sanitizing are not enough to guarantee it, and a disinfection is a must.

The concepts above allows to clearly define the scope and approach of Antiviral Disinfection Service, which is:

A professional disinfection of houses, flats, offices or commercial facilities. 

A process performed by fully trained technicians in disinfecting protocols. With training bio waste disposal to prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms, and thus, ensuring a healthy interaction among the occupants and their living/working surroundings once the service is completed. 

Staff with personal protective equipment (PPE) made of patented and approved branded material that will be worn up before entering the work area. Overall protective suits, full-face, hands and feet protection are used at all times during the cleaning and disinfecting tasks. 

Professional handling of disinfecting equipment, following the recommended and approved protocols that aim to neutralize and demobilize this harmful virus.

Safe disposal of infected or potentially infected cleaning materials, including cleaning clothes, mops etc. that are collected, and properly discarded as hazardous waste. Reusable items are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with products intended to that purpose before next use. 

Usage of product 99.995% effective in elimination of a wide spectrum of viruses and bacteria, tested to kill MRSA, E-coli, Norovirus and Coronavirus to which family the COVID 19 belongs. Certified to BSEN:1276/14476. The product used takes 30 seconds to kill and destroy the pathogens and has a residual effect once dry, of up to 7 days after application. They are also highly effective on removal of all ingrained dirt of heavily contaminated areas like blood, urine and other body fluids. 

Usage of fogger devices to apply the disinfecting products that allow spreading the solution in a mist with variable sizes of droplets from 0 to 30 µ. This can be used in hard surfaces, carpets, mattresses and almost every fabric, ensuring the maximum reach of the product in points of difficult access. If for any reason wiping is the only option on special surfaces, it will be done too. 

Alternative to the use of Foggers, in places that require or for clients that prefer a fully dry and free of chemicals treatment, we use OZONE GENERATORS. These devices allow the disinfection of areas that can be closed for the process in relatively short periods, i.e. cars, buses, offices, cabins, or empty houses/flats. 

Disinfection against the dreaded COVID 19 is available in our services of:

- Carpet Cleaning
- Upholstery Cleaning
- End of Tenancy Cleaning
- Deep Clean
- After builders cleaning
- Commercial and Office cleaning
- Residential Cleaning
- Oven Cleaning

If you are afraid that your property has been exposed to the virus somehow, or had a confirmed positive case in your home or work environment, contact us, and be sure a detailed and professional service will be performed at your site. 

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